Digiwest, con aprobación de proyecto PT2020 pretende reforzar su competitividad

Project name | Quality certification for processes and products and implementation of marketing/business strategies
Project code | CENTRO-02-0853-FEDER-025079
Main objective | To reinforce the competitiveness of small and medium businesses
Intervention region | Centro
Beneficiary entity | Digiwest – Wireless and Embedded Solutions, Lda.

Approval date | 31/08/2017
Start date | 30/12/2016
End date | 29/12/2018
Total eligible cost | 116.524,50 EUR
Financial support from the European Union | FEDER – 52.436,03 EUR

With this project, three main goals were achieved:

  1. Organization and management innovation by reinforcement of the management capabilities through the recruitment of 2 qualified intermediate staff members. Additionally, the company has also acquired an ERP software, which allows for a daily management of stocks, clients and suppliers.
    The reinforcement of the organizational structure and the acquisition of management software tools set the company on the path to effectiveness and efficiency, increasing its flexibility and market responsiveness.
  2. Valuing of the digital economy and the ICTs, through the creation of a new website, with a modern image, multilanguage capable and constantly updated, so that it becomes the base foundation for the implementation of a true marketing strategy. A new website, SEO and a newsletter for potential new clients are measures that define a new approach in promoting the company’s products and services, filling the gaps in this area.
  3. Certification of the quality management system according to the EN ISO9001:2015 standard and certification of the applicable products to the ECE-R10 standard. These actions are leading to an increased competitiveness, especially in the international markets, and a corresponding appreciation of the product by the client.

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